12 Apr 2010

Lose Weight by listening to your body!

Listening to your body can help your weight loss programme!

Your body knows what it’s doing; pay attention to it!

When you’re body’s tired it needs sleep. When it’s thirsty, it needs water. Whatever’s going on with your body is usually communicated to you somehow. Yet most of us ignore what our body is telling us and keep on eating unsuitable foods, drinking unsuitable drinks and then wonder why we are putting on weight, have lost the shine in our hair and are biting our nails.

You should treat your body with a bit of respect, because you want it to last a long time. It’s easy to divorce yourself mentally from your body, especially when you’re younger, when everything works and nothing hurts. At that stage of your life it’s almost impossible to imagine that your diet can have a long-term effect on the health of your body.

When your body starts to put on weight, it’s telling you that you’re eating too much and not making enough effort to get rid of the excess calories. If you neglect to give your body the nutrients it needs; the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium and all the other things you need to survive, then you can’t be surprised when it stops functioning the way it should. The key is to recognise the problems you are causing and start reversing the damage.

Smoking, excess alcohol consumption, non-prescription medicines and illegal drugs can all damage your system and you should consider giving them up to get your body back to the way it should be. But the key area where you can make a difference is by changing the way you eat.

If you are overweight, lethargic, and your hair and skin isn’t in the condition is once was, then stop eating junk food, processed food, ready meals and things that are high in saturated fat, sugars and salt. Replace them with more fruit and vegetables, beans, pulses and wholegrain carbohydrates. Drink water instead of fizzy drinks, coffee and tea, and you’ll begin to feel a difference. Using a personalised plan, you can follow a slimming programme that works, and your body will thank you by reducing weight, improving your hair and skin and putting you in a better mood altogether. By listening to your body, you can change your health for good.

Keep Want to Lose Weight Fast?


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